The kind of thing we couldn’t possibly make up.

Deepak with a snowball Heathen HQ in Houston, TX, had the closest thing it’ll ever get to a white Christmas yesterday and today.

Snow. In Houston. A friend called me from Galveston yesterday to report flurries there; otherwise fish-worthy Houston Chronicle has more:

In Galveston, Nikkie Guidry, 25, ran outside the San Luis Hotel where she was working so she could frolic in the falling snow. “I just stood out there and started screaming,” said Guidry, who is from the Caribbean Islands. “I couldn’t believe it. I started thinking, ‘Oh my God, it’s snowing in Galveston. How weird is that?’ ”

The Weather Channel notes that Galveston got FOUR INCHES. Corpus got more snow in a 12 hour period than it got in the last 70-odd years combined. Of course, we’re a few hundred miles northeast of Houston, with no flurries in sight.

(Photo of Deepak Gautam with his first snowball by Craig H. Hartley from the Chron site.)

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