Dept. of People Being Stupid

The Right side of the Net is all hot-and-bothered about the idea of raising income tax on incomes over $250K, and it’s brought out the wingnut John Galt contingent. Sadly, none of them seem to actually understand how income taxes work in this country, given how many seem to be cypherin’ out ways to make exactly $249,999 in 2009. MediaMatters, as always, is spot on:

ABC News reports on “upper-income taxpayers” who are trying to reduce their income so they avoid proposed tax increases on those earning more than $250,000.

According to ABC, one attorney “plans to cut back on her business to get her annual income under the quarter million mark should the Obama tax plan be passed by Congress and become law.” According to the attorney: “We are going to try to figure out how to make our income $249,999.00.” ABC also quotes a dentist who is trying to figure out how to reduce her income.

This is stunningly wrong.

The ABC article is based on the premise that an individual’s entire income is taxed at the same rate. If that were the case, it would be possible for a family earning $249,999 to have a higher after-tax income than a family earning $255,000, because the family earning $249,999 would pay a lower tax rate.

But that isn’t actually how income tax works.

In reality, a family earning $255,000 will pay the higher tax rate only on its last $5,001 in income; the first $249,999 will continue to be taxed at the old rate. So intentionally lowering your income from $255,000 to $249,999 is counter-productive; it will result in a lower after-tax income.

It’s like nobody is even capable of research anymore.

Update: Link fixed.

2 thoughts on “Dept. of People Being Stupid

  1. There are many other taxes involved with the Magic 250 mark. Some of these include taxes on business (I am now looking to register companies in other countries to lower revenue ), Taxes on healthcare benefits, and then the Mortgage interest deduction (make a whole lot of sense since we are trying to get people to buy houses, not). It is therefore, more about income than what you are suggesting. As far as I am concerned the department of being stupid are those who voted for Obama and are now SHOCKED that their taxes are climbing. See Wall Street. I knew what was coming. Can’t wait to see version 1.2 1.3 1.4 It will bemuch more burdensome to pay for all of the bullshit rolled into the “stimulus” plan.

  2. None of that is on point at all in re: the linked story, or ABC’s ignorance of bracketed taxation.