Dept. of Blog Tweaks

Astute Heathen will notice that the header graphics are no longer stock images, and in fact are now Official Heathenographs. My photos have no titles normally, but here are fifteen provisional titles to go with the pictures.

  1. “And over there, Japan”
  2. “Overused Photo Cliche #261”
  3. “That’s not blurry; that’s just Wurstfest!”
  4. “Vern, alight with Red Wings”
  5. “Still Life With Excessive Stereotypical Southernism”
  6. “Future Home of Grand Parkway #1”
  7. “Before”
  8. “After”
  9. “Nobody Liked Jim Lehrer Anyway”
  10. “Master Wong Is Unconcerned With Eminent Domain”
  11. Porcupine Racetrack
  12. “When Australians Get High”
  13. “Master Wong’s Cohort Gaze With Horror At Encroaching Bulldozers”
  14. “No, Really, We’re Working”
  15. “It Only Looks Idyllic. It’s Actually Albany.”

Since the banner’s on a random rotation, you may have to visit a few times to sort out which is which. Actual humans pictured include the AccountingCatSnorter, Mrs Heathen, FirstNiece, some strangers, Leopardboy, certain Kohn’s bartenders, and Jim Lehrer. Enjoy.

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