I smell an Oscar!

Lorenzo Llamas and Debbie Gibson star in Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus:

Quoth Will: “I genuinely don’t know whether to shit or go blind.” True, Will, true. Direct to DVD on May 19. Who’s with me?

9 thoughts on “I smell an Oscar!

  1. Diane does not share my sense of urgency in owning this film. Could it be that she simply does not appreciate cinema?

  2. IN! Emphatically IN! I will watch this.

    I know that I won’t get those two hours back.

    It will be worth it!

  3. I bumped to the top of my netflix queue, but I’m seriously thinking about going out to Wal-Mart and just buying it.

  4. I’m real sorry you’re not here, and that Patrick doesn’t also live here, so we could horrify my wife with it together. Shit, I’d even cook.

  5. That’s the best part, Erin. You can root for the Giant Octopus! Don’t tell me that you don’t like Octopi. Cuz I know that is a lie…