Nice one, cuz

Add my right-winger cousin Chip to the parade of GOP types who can’t keep their dick in their pants. Odds are this affair, the divorce connected thereto, and the lawsuit his wife just dropped on him are the reason ol’ Chip’s not still in Congress. Good riddance.

Now it’s the turn of former Rep. Chip Pickering (R) or Mississippi, who appeared to be in line to grab Trent Lott’s Senate seat and was allegedly offered the gig by Gov. Haley Barbour (his office denied this to TPMmuckraker), but decided instead to leave Congress altogether.

Pickering and his wife divorced soon afterward and now she is suing the novelistically named Elizabeth Creekmore-Byrd for “alienation of affection,” i.e., for stealing her husband. What’s more, according to legal papers filed by Leisha Pickering, some of the “wrongful conduct” between Pickering and Creekmore-Byrd (I guess that’s what they call it down there?) took place at … you guessed, the C Street group home up on Capitol Hill.

The kicker? This “C-Street” location is notionally a Christian fellowship facility connected to the uber-right-wing Family organization.

(Chip’s grandfather and my great-grandfather were siblings.)

Hat tip: Mrs Heathen.

6 thoughts on “Nice one, cuz

  1. Amazing, but we should be careful not to get too “gloat-ee” about this. The next wave will be a series of Dems who also start thinking with the little head.

    Nevertheless, it is astounding the level of hypocrisy that permeates the GOP.

  2. Yeah, it’s not so much the adultery as the hypocrisy. If you campaign on retrograde “family values” points, it’s both easy and appropriate for us to make “Nelson laugh” noises at your expense when you get caught running afoul of your own dogma.