“To prevent Obama from becoming the hero who fixed Washington, McConnell decided to break it. And it worked.”

This piece is very, very spot on, and it makes clear something I’ve been trying to articulate for years: People like Mitch McConnell are not Americans. They are Republicans, concerned first and foremost with the good of their party, not the nation, and certainly not those whom they purport to represent.

Edit: Messages like this one from the National Review just make this point even clearer: don’t do things; people will start to expect that. Keep your eyes on 2016.

I mean, seriously. WTF?

One thought on ““To prevent Obama from becoming the hero who fixed Washington, McConnell decided to break it. And it worked.”

  1. This is funny. It takes two to dance. Obama over reached on Obamacare and continues to do so on immigration and the midterm election results are somehow alll McConelll’s fault. Well at least you are not blaming Bush anymore.

    Reagan cut deals. Clinton cut deals. Even Bush cut deals. Obama is not the guy who fixed Washington because he can’t cut deals. There is a difference between being a good politician and an annointed hero.