I suppose that it’s possible for someone with excellent video editing skills, an encyclopedic knowledge of the original Star Trek, a healthy (?) appreciation for Nine Inch Nails, and a latent Kirk/Spock Slash obsession to combine their interests in a way that’s not evil, but I’ll be damned if I can think of one.
On the other hand, there’s this.
Wait. You did know about the whole “Kirk/Spock” thing within slash fan fiction, right?
Sorry. And this on the heels of having to explain “hentai” on Sunday. I guess I’m just evil. (Though, in my own defense, this showed up on the premier of Mad Men.)
Why must you spray warm, semi-solid feces on my childhood heroes at every opportunity?
If you ever post anything about Linda Carter, I will keel you. KEEEL you, I say!