I’m really sick of this

Not as sick as I was before, when it came with a host of other policies I found equally repugnant, but the Obama administration’s position on state secrets is just as antithetical to liberty as Bush’s. Frankly, I blame folks like Bush, Cheney, Addington, etc., who promulgated the notion of the imperial presidency so ceaselessly for eight years. Presidents of any stripe are loathe to release power; I noted at the time that such power grabs were likely to be permanent, and this is ongoing proof thereof.


2 thoughts on “I’m really sick of this

  1. There was supposed to be change with this one. The Audacity of Hope or some shit. Constitutional specialist no less. They are all the same, just a different bank account. I have been saying that longer than you have been calling the permanency of the power grab.

  2. Very many fine things HAVE changed with this administration — science-based science policy, for example, and health care reform that actually matters (ask my brother, or anyone else with a chronic condition). Judicial appointees are another major area where we’re fantastically better off.

    It’s frustrating and galling that the state secrets/presidential power thing is unchanged, but that doesn’t mean we aren’t better off with Obama than we would’ve been with McCain.