Wow. How much more screwed could the music industry get?

Microsoft is apparently selling DRM-free MP3s in their Zune store.

So, now we have iTunes/EMI doing it, eMusic doing it, Amazon doing it, Microsoft doing it, and Radiohead doing it. Even so, the music industry at large is still completely clueless, to the point that Techdirt just responded to a Viacom speech with a post titled “Viacom wrong on almost every thing”. Their list:

  • Viacom sees DRM and watermarking as the solution to piracy;
  • Viacom thinks copy protection will encourage innovation and creative output;
  • Viacom sees easy copying of data as a problem that needs solving;
  • Viacom thinks ISPs should be filtering traffic;
  • Viacom is opposed to network neutrality;
  • Viacom wants the Feds to fight their copyright battles overseas for them;
  • and on and on and on.

With that kind of decision making, it’s hard to see how they’re still in business — well, not really: they stay in business by raping musicians and such, but still.

Another fine represenative of the recording industry showed her wisdom to the world, byt eh way, by telling a bunch of whoppers in her testimony in the RIAA file-sharing trial. Again, it’s Techdirt with the story. Click through on both of these; they’re worth your time.

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