SunnComm’s Peter Jacobs on the Haldermon Study

Professor Felton points out a terribly funny — in a sad way — post by Peter Jacobs on an investor board purporting to address Halderman’s points, and why they’re not valid. My favorite part — which is also Felton’s, it seems — is where Jacobs rants about how he bets that

. . . none of them [EFF members/supporters] EVER had any digital content that anyone else (aside from family and friends) would pay for, and, if they did, they’d be screaming bloody murder if someone ripped them off.

Uh-huh. Keep dreaming, Peter; the EFF includes some software heavyweights like Mitch Kapor (who founded Lotus) and John Gilmore (of Sun), plus others like sometime rancher and Grateful Dead lyricist John Perry Barlow “who became rich and famous by producing copyrighted works” (Felton). Not that SunnComm could be bothered to notice this, I reckon.

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