Who is Freedom-to-Tinker?

Wired gives us a bit of background on everyone’s favorite anti-DRM duo, Princeton prof Ed Felton and researcher John Halderman.

Halderman, you may recall, is the guy who noticed that Sunncomm’s first stab at copy protection could be circumvented by turning off AutoRun in Windows — or by holding down the shift key when the CD was inserted. He published a paper including this finding, and was promptly threatened with a $10M lawsuit and felony prosecution under the DMCA (the company backed down in the face of widespread outrage).

Felton and Halderman remain the go-to men for information on DRM and copy protection schemes and how they’ll invariably screw up either your CDs or your computer; we here at Heathen love their work and are very thenkful they’re doing it.

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