Wes Clark, Michael Moore, George Bush, and Desertion

In the 2000 elections, one of the most amazing things to me was that the Democrats made NOTHING of Bush’s Vietnam reserve record, and that the press — whom you’d think would have been all over it — let the whole issue slide.

Now, with two solid records running for the Democratic nomination, the issue may get legs after all, especially since Clark has thus far refused to repudiate supporter Michael Moore’s claim that Bush was and is a deserter. Is he? Well, here’s a discussion and examination of precisely that claim and the coverage surrounding Moore’s statement.

Two facts, though, aren’t even in dispute:

  1. In the spring of 1972, Bush failed to get a flight physical in direct violation of orders.
  2. Bush performed no duties or drills of any kind between early May and late November of 1972.

Now, that’s not really desertion (technically), but it’s damn sure being AWOL, and it seems pretty clear that somebody without a super-connected family would have probably been discliplined. Since the “liberal media” had such a field day with Clinton being “draft dodger” back in ’92, I eagerly await their tenacious coverage of these charges.

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