DHS at work

They’ve slashed antiterror funding for Washington and New York. Clever.

In addition to Washington and New York, the grant decisions included a 46 percent drop for San Diego, where several of the Sept. 11 hijackers lived; a 61 percent decrease for Phoenix, where an FBI agent suspected that terrorists were taking flight training; and a 30 percent reduction for Boston, the point of origin of the two jetliners that crashed into the World Trade Center. Phoenix Mayor Phillip Gordon called the grant reduction from $10 million to $3.9 million “outrageous.” He said that Phoenix, the nation’s fifth-largest city, includes a network of dams, a nuclear power plant and numerous other potential targets. “Shame on them,” Gordon said. “They are literally stripping the ability to protect this area by actions that are incomprehensible.” Winners included Atlanta, Chicago and Los Angeles, as well as smaller cities such as Louisville (up 70 percent), Charlotte (64 percent) and St. Louis (31 percent).

It’s getting harder and harder to be surprised by how completely stupid this Administration is.

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