And don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out

A reckoning is coming for Joe Lieberman. It’s unlikely the Dems will reach 60 even with him, so for my money I say freeze his sorry ass completely out: no chairs, no nothing. Don’t even let the turncoat bastard speak. Let him vote with the GOP if he wants to; if he does that, he’s unlikely to win his seat back given his constituency. He’s of course free to endorse and campaign for whomever he wants, but he shouldn’t expect the party he shat all over for two years to support him or reward him for that behavior.

One thought on “And don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out

  1. Reports are out now that Joe’s threatening to caucus with the GOP if he loses his chairmanship… Umm, OK. Let’s see how that works out for ya, Joe.

    Why is Reid even listening to this bullshit?