Certain other Heathen have been bitten by the comment-scrubber in overnight processing, so we want to take this chance to remind you all that certain words will get your comments automatically removed by a job that runs every night at midnight or so.
The forbidden words are (case-insensitive):
p style=”margin-left: 4%”> incest viagra cialis rape href beastiality cum phentermine hydrocodone vicodin best-xp-software.biz anti-spyware.ws replica-watch.ws spyware-removal.net rolex-replica.org spyware-removal.biz green-card-lottery buy-rolex spy-deleter.net rolex-replica poker-room
N.B. that “href” is among the forbidden terms. This means you cannot put a link in your comments. Sorry. However, you CAN put in a bare URL, and rely on the above-average population of Heathen to figure out how to copy and paste it into their browsers.