Colbert’s Ubergeek Shout-out

It is with no small degree of embarrassment that we admit to remembering every single thing mentioned in this little video clip from the Colbert Report about the new online D & D game (which we will not be playing, thanks).

If you need a little refresher, you can’t do better than Lore Sjoberg’s Book of Ratings entry on D & D monsters. It begins with the Displacer Beast:

As far as I know, the idea of a six-legged panther with squid tentacles that looks like it’s somewhere other than it really is originated in the mind of D&D creator E. Gary Gygax, possibly as the result of blunt trauma. Not that I’m complaining. The displacer beast is an excellent example of synergy; a panther with squid parts is considerably more intimidating than a squid strapped to a panther.

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