How We Know We’re In The Future

This afternoon, I’m doing a little work on my laptop (a MacBook Pro), catching up on email and taking care of some software testing. Since we do Microsoft software, the testing is taking place inside a Windows Server 2003 virtual machine that’s running, among other things IIS and SQL Server 2005.

At the same time, the laptop is also ripping a CD (the Oxford American’s annual music issue just showed up) and downloading a couple TV shows via BitTorrent that I’ll watch on my trip this week — something I wouldn’t have to do if I could just copy the damn things from my Tivo, but whatever. Also, because it’s the sort of thing that happens from time to time, my TimeMachine backup is running.

How is the futurey? I was just re-installing a database tool on the Windows VM side and got annoyed that the computer wasn’t responding instantly.

2 thoughts on “How We Know We’re In The Future

  1. VM’s are a wonderful thing for test..but unless you’re running is freaking slooooow.

  2. What VM tool are you using that they’re slow? I get native-speed behavior with VMWare on my Macbook Pro — response is typically faster than my friends on native Windows machines can get.