Search Engine Optimization Is A Waste Of Your Money

Or, at least, it is if you didn’t hire incompetent web devs in the first place. Derek Powazek nails it down for us:

Search Engine Optimization is not a legitimate form of marketing. It should not be undertaken by people with brains or souls. If someone charges you for SEO, you have been conned.

It may not be quite that bad — someone probably does have to explain to the masses why semantic markup matters, or why having meaningful links and real site structure matter and, in general, why HTML generated by something other than Word or your brother-in-law is important — but to a first approximation, he’s right.

What’s good SEO? Here’s the key:

The One True Way

Which brings us, finally, to the One True Way to get a lot of traffic on the web. It’s pretty simple, and I’m going to give it to you here, for free:

Make something great. Tell people about it. Do it again.

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