Surprise, Surprise, the Government Lies

Via JWZ, we find this summary of the obvious and neglected truth of the London affair:

The alleged U.K. terror plot has been investigated for months by British intelligence, and the idea that the airliner attacks were planned for today seems to be nothing more than political fabrication and media hysteria.

Tony Blair and George W. Bush even planned the terror freakout in a series of phone calls that began last Friday and continued through the weekend. Blair and Bush put the finishing touches on their diabolical operation in a phone call early Wednesday, the Associated Press revealed today.

That’s right: While millions of travelers are going through absolute hell today because of the sudden terror “news,” it was last week when the U.S. president and U.K. prime minister began their cold calculations on how to get the maximum political benefit from the months-old investigation.

(There are links to wire stories in the original text; click thru.)

Mr Z also points out this spot-on analysis of the facts of the case, which really point out how hysterical everyone is being. The cops were tracking them. They were aware of their movements. There was no way they were going to let the plot come to fruition. Everything worked as it’s supposed to, and the bad guys got snatched, and nothing blew up, and none of that had anything to do with taking your goddamn shoes off in airports. Real cops caught these guys, not mouth-breathing TSA yokels.

Of course, none of this will matter at airports, where the idiot child of 9/11 will still insist we surrender our nail clippers and shampoo in gestures utterly devoid of any efficacy whatsoever.

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