Happy Birthday to Me

It’s HeathenDay, which is also the birthday of William H. Macy (’50) and Adam Clayton (’60) and, well, Bill Casey (’13) and L. Ron Hubbard (’11).

Celebrate in any way you feel appropriate. We suggest whisky and cake.

Next year will be the really fun one, since it’ll be the first time since 1998 that my birthday has fallen on Friday, which some folks consider unlucky. We disagree, since the first time our birthday fell on a Friday was our very first go-round, in 1970.

Since then, the 13th has only been on a Friday in ’81, ’87, ’92, and ’98. That pesky leap year keeps getting in the way.

We suspect a Big-Ass Party is called for in honor of my Sixth Friday Birthday next year, which would be flaunting tradition — I’ll only be 39, and convention would suggest the big party would come in 2010, but fuck that. Fridays are more fun.

(Btw, very quick and dirty: for ((i=1970;i<=2009;i+=1)); do cal march $i | grep -e ‘ 8 9 10 11 12 13 14’ -e ‘March’; done)

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