In which we receive fan mail

No, really:

So, I was working on putting out my own CD and I had decided that it would be called Miscellaneous Heathen based on a picture my wife took of some religious wacko’s protest sign. [Ed: he means this guy, captured in this foto by Tom Tomorrow.] I decided that it might be a good idea to register or, so I looked them up and found to my dismay that someone had beat me to it. I hated you for having the temerity to think of it way before me. But then I checked out your website and all that hate floated away… and I could hear only birds singing… and see nothing but hearts and teddy bears and, of course, unicorns flying over brightly lit rainbows. In other words, I love your site or blog or whatever you call it. Because of you I have now seen the Shining in 30 Seconds (and performed by Bunnies). And I have found great sources of ACTUAL NEWS. Unbelievable. O.K. — lovefest over. Don’t worry, I won’t send Catherine Zeta Jones threatening letters because of you or anything. Sincerely,
John Hoskinson

Granted, it’s only fanmail because he wanted the domain at first, but he does give us much grist for the slogan mill, like “Heathen: Unicorns flying over brightly lit rainbows” and such.

It was with some trepidation that we checked out Mr. Hoskinson’s audio samples, but we’re awful glad we did. We like the sound of his record, and we particularly enjoy the name he’s given it. All Hail the Heathen Brotherhood!

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