Last May we pointed you at the exploits of Royal de Luxe, the large scale puppet troupe. Back then, they were helping to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Jules Verne’s passing in France. Well, they’re back.
Category Archives: Weirdwideweb
Dept. of Cool Optical Illusions
Go do this.
And yo momma, too.
From the Onion, of course (last July; somehow we missed it):
All Y’All Urged To Go Fuck Yo’ Selves
July 6, 2005 | Issue 41.27
DETROIT — In a strongly worded pronouncement to all y’all motherfuckers, Detroit resident Dwayne Combs urged all y’all to go fuck yo’ selves Monday. “Y’all be bullshit,” said Combs in a 3:17 a.m. address from the corner of Woodward Avenue and Grand Boulevard. “And yo’ mama, too.” Monday’s statement marked the normally reclusive Combs’ first since an October 1998 appeal to Detroit’s city council to kiss his big, black ass. Representatives for all y’all have not yet responded to Combs’ themselves-fucking offer.
Dept. of Mildly Inappropriate Photos
The first one we’ll title every geek’s beach dream.
The second we find via a celeb gossip site, wherein they document someone we’ve never heard of having a fine time at the beach.
Dept. of Whoa
Need a new reef? Why not just sink an aircraft carrier?
We have no idea what this is about
But we love it anyway.
“In the new universe all our most time-consuming tasks will be performed by super-efficient helper robots – including the construction of our super-efficient helper robots!” says Giblets. “They will then build lower-class worker robots to do their work for them, who will outsource their labor to cheap, third-world sweatshop robots, who will fill their factories with legions of trained indentured gerbils, who will ultimately enslave a species of weevil.”
“But when the weevil revolution comes we’ll be in the clear cause we’ll already be conquered by the robots,” says me.
“In the new universe war will be replaced by a convenient, family-friendly game of Hungry Hungry Hippos,” says Giblets.
This’ll take a while.
You can zoom in on this photo mosaic forever.
Because otherwise, it might go over your head
Joe Mathlete Explains Today’s Marmaduke, a valued resource for the bad-humor impaired, the overly literal, Fundamentalists, Bush voters, etc.
Dept. of Funny Because It’s True
Cory Doctorow Visits a Radio Shack, which really ought to give props to David Ives’ “Philip Glass Buys a Loaf of Bread,” but doesn’t. It’s still funny.
Still busy
In the meantime, we suggest you check out the best damn sports blog ever: You can’t guard me one on one. Not in canada.
No, really.
Dept. of Neat Pictures
This dude took some nice shots of thunderstorms in the midwest. Enjoy. One of ’em is now our desktop.
C’mon, how can you NOT like something called “PoopFreeze?”
We are not making this up.
Warren Ellis has weird dreams
In this one, he encounters David Mamet.
“if found contact me unless you are angry and covered in crickets”
Ah, Craigslist.
And now two updates from the department of AWESOME
First, Ten Things I Hate About Commandments is only the second recut movie trailer we’ve seen that’s actually funny.
Second, DJ Blurb points us to the nerdiest, raddest things ever, which is a video of a new Macbook running OS X, XP and Ubuntu Linux simultaneously. Can your Inspiron do that?
Check out the Desktop Blues Generator, especially if your name is “Frank”.
Watch This
This weekend, longtime Heathen EGH pointed us to Zefrank’s The Show, which is well worth your time.
(Link fixed.)
Dept. of Inadvertent Fetish Marketing
For a certain possibly-heathen-but-not-THIS-Heathen subset of the marketplace, we’re pretty sure this represents the best of all possible fetish worlds:
From the surprisingly wholesome However, we advise against actually listening.
We don’t know what this is about, but we sort of like it
Pendulumeca, a Flash game about a robot with a spider-man fixation. The Screenhead instructional graphic isn’t to be missed.
Bad News Hughes makes us laugh again
From this entry, which the delicate ought not read, as it is in fact a discussion of collegiate male depravity somehow unassociated with alcohol and therefore all the more horrific. Hughes understands drunken shenanigans, as he explains:
Sometimes people say unkind things about drinkers. I understand why. It’s not like I, personally, never got all liquored up and kicked all the slats out of a fence, or threw a small man into some bushes, or helped Eric Gilmore huck a frozen turkey through a window with such force that it actually crashed through a corresponding window in the house next door, like six feet away, and we had to run outside and pretend we knew nothing about it, a ruse that worked because everyone was preoccupied with water squirting from the bathroom pipes I had burst moments before by firing a large firework into the toilet and holy shit that was one of the best parties I’ve ever been to and I often like to think it was our partnership that night that helped Eric overcome some of his dislike for white people. You never want to wholly overcome your dislike for white people. Anyway, I can’t speak for Eric, but I’m willing to accept some of the blame for the unkind things some people say about drinkers. I’ve had drinks, I’ve been naughty. But then the people who say unkind things about drinkers, who are they? They sit at home, gray and shriveled souls sipping tea and gnawing at cardboard and using the bitter resentment only borne from a life without joy to criticize and castigate those of us who occasionally take in a draught or two of spirits to loosen the shoulders, sharpen the mind and googly up the eyes. A practice that — as you and I know — puts a little sparkle on the Twinkie, just like Grandpa used to say. So fuck those guys. I feel like a good drunk does for the soul about like what four or five bowls of raisin bran do for the bowel. I even enjoy the hangover, as long as there’s nothing too taxing on the schedule and I can swagger through the day with a refreshing minimum of forebrain activity, just as pleasantly retarded as Coldplay fans, Democrats, Buddhists and people who maintain Harry Potter books can be enjoyed by adults. […] Oh, and you know what else? I don’t want to get all blah blah blah about society and gender roles and certainly people should be free to define masculinity in any way that makes them happy, but there’s this thing, right, with men, this lowest common denominator, and it’s that on some level we all measure our manliness by the level of menace we present to polite society. Like, even the most law-abiding and square of us take pride in, for example, how bad our feet stink, or that we shat out an abnormally large poo, or that we did a cannonball into the pool that ruined a nearby wedding ceremony, or something. We’ll brag about it. Sometimes under the guise of regret, but make no mistake — it’s still bragging. Look for the gleam in our eyes as we apologize. Somewhere, deep down in our hypothalamus, that apology is being transmuted into a humorous tale shared with our brother warriors around the campfire. Don’t try and change this. Don’t try and dim that gleam. Recognize that it’s there, for, like, evolutionary reasons, because back in ye olden times disputes were settled by the size of poo and men of the tribe often had to drive away saber-toothed tigers with their terrible, terrible feet.
It’s the things one particular Gainsville crowd did when stone sober that trouble him.
Moose, moose, I like a moose.
Via BB.
Surprised? No. Disappointed? A little.
(We have NO idea why, but this whole thing has given us the giggles.)
How ’bout a live-action Simpsons intro?
Bill Cosby is a tool
Cosby’s been hassling a site hosting the “House of Cosbys” online cartoon, so this lovely bit from Eddie Murphy is particularly topical now. Apparently, Cosby once called Murphy to insist he not work so blue. Murphy wasn’t amused, but the audience loved his version of the tale.
Dept. of Odd Video
It’s all we could do not to title this “This Cat Sure Loves Cock!.”
It’s like a non-sequitor dispenser
Click here.
The Onion Still Rules
Go, now, to the current edition, which features gems such as “Rotation Of Earth Plunges Entire North American Continent Into Darkness” and “Modern-Day John Henry Dies Trying To Out-Spreadsheet Excel 11.0.” You will not be sorry.
Dept. of Weird Net Culture
If you have a long video of a screaming tape player running down zip lines in weird places, people will blog the hell out of that shit.
We have no idea if this ad is real or not, but it makes us giggle a lot.
Arctic Fun
Polar bears encounter a submarine. This has been in our email forever, but these shots by Captain Myron Balchin Sr of the Los Angeles-class fast attack submarine USS Honolulu are still worth a look.
Grigaloo Indeed
This oughta keep Lindsey busy for DAYS.
We’ll stipulate right off that this is wrong
It’s still funny. However, you should not do this to your cat with tape, even if you are on Japanese television.
So wrong, yet so fantastic
BoingBoing presents some interesting Asian condoms for our amusement.
Doubtless of questionable taste, but still funny
Of course he does.
“I for one welcome our weird-link-finding overlords”
It is, after all, the Citizen Kane of erotic horse-worship plays
Kottke points us to something we can’t believe we haven’t seen online before: video of a fire at a fireworks factory. It’s pretty staggering. A gold star awaits anyone who can translate the voiceover at the end. (Google video)
The sort of thing we wouldn’t post if we had any decency at all
Mmmm, religion hats
Via Bubba’s Ear, we find the latest in religious headgear. Enjoy.
Frankly, Kittenweisen sounds just fine to us
From Cap’n Gridskipper:
Through the Looking Glass, so to speak
Nine drawings done at intervals during an Acid trip is way cooler than it sounds.
We do not hope to be such a monkey.
Best sign ever.
Things we did not, up to now, know
Just in case you missed one
Esquire has all its covers online with a pretty cool interface. Neat. Goes back to October, 1933.
Our favorite is at right. First one to correctly guess why wins the cocktail of their choice. (Click for full size.)
Two Bits About Furniture
We’ve been meaning to post these for a while, so here they are together:
- Something our mother would doubtless love, a self-tidying conveyer-belt table; and
- Some really fantastic surreal furniture that we’re certain Mrs Heathen will insist we buy, tout de suite.
Best. Calendar. EVAR.
The 2006 Hooters Calendar, via BoingBoing. (SFW)
Notwithstanding the previous entry, we figure you MAY have wondered this
“What 250 lbs. of Silly Putty looks like.”
Update: So, now that you’ve got it, how do you break it?
Granted, most people have never wondered this
Still, it’s vaguely interesting to note how many condoms you can put on a plastic penis at once. It’s a shame they don’t actually get a real answer (they ran out of rubbers at 625).
We look forward to additional experiments from the folks at; they’re clearly showing definite and weird promise.