What’s wrong with Wikipedia

We don’t know where this is from, but it’s funny as hell. (Click for full size.) He-man cartoon

(If you know, tell us, and we’ll provide proper attribution.) It’s from Penny Arcade, as we probably could have surmised had we bothered to read the copyright thing on the right. Thanks, Tom!

Weird Scientology Three-fer

First, an excerpt from the Scientology-themed South Park ep. Very funny, made moreso by its complete adherence to actual CoS doctrine.

Second, this weird item at BoingBoing from the WaPo in re: some enormous crop-circle type decorations in New Mexico marking the location of the CoS’ archive vault.

Finally, this 1983 Penthouse interview with L. Ron, Jr., which I suspect was part of the source material for Troy Schulze’ Me-Sci-Ah.

Best Stuff From Other Sites Dept.

JWZ found a site answering the question “How Hard Is It To Shoot Off A Lock?” Answer: Very, unless you’re using a shotgun slug.

However, we note after consulting with Senior Heathen Shootin’ & Lawyerin’ Correspondent Triple-F that the test is sort of stacked against pistols via round choice. A jacketed hollow-point or ball round isn’t meant to penetrate anything but, um, soft targets, whereupon it’s expected to expand. Rifle rounds are typically fully jacketed and NOT meant to expand, so all things being equal you’d expect such a round to go through more stuff than a bullet engineered for expansion. At the same time, all the rifle rounds used are smaller in diameter than the larger handgun rounds.

The test remains valid in a mythbusting sense, though, as movie gunmen would typically be loaded with “normal” pistol bullets like those used, not some armor-piercing round. (A bullet meant to go through stuff is less useful for stopping bad guys than a more traditional round.) We’re just curious about the corner case of a hard-alloy or fully-jacketed pistol round from a large caliber, high-velocity pistol.

Mostly because we’re very, very geeky. So geeky, in fact, that we sent email asking this version question. Watch this space for a follow-up.

In which we remind you of the brilliance that is Fafblog

When Muslims Attack! Excerpt:

Know your muslims! Some muslims can be relatively harmless, like the reclusive blue-crested muslim which only attacks when provoked, or the northern spotted muslim which just imitates the colorful patterns of its more aggressive venomous cousin. But watch out! There are thirty-eight species of man-eating muslim and they are all hungry for freedom, including the saber-toothed pipesian, the hinderical alzabo with its terrible fire-breath, and the fearsome malkinite chimera, which has the head of a lion, the wings of a winged lion, and the body of a much bigger lion eating the first two lions. The only way to defeat it is to trick it into saying its name backwards, which will cause it to vanish in a puff of liberty.

“Ask your doctor for a reason to take it”

The parody site Panexa.com is apparently so well done that it fooled CafePress. Don’t miss the disclaimers, particularly those about squirrels. Said section begins:

PANEXA is a prescription drug that should only be taken by patients experiencing one of the following disorders: metabolism, binocular vision, digestion (solid and liquid), circulation, menstruation, cognition, osculation, extremes of emotion. For patients with coronary heart condition (CHC) or two separate feet (2SF), the dosage of PANEXA should be doubled to ensure that twice the number of pills are being consumed. PANEXA can also be utilized to decrease the risk of death caused by not taking PANEXA, being beaten to death by oscelots, or death relating from complications arising from seeing too much of the color lavender. Epileptic patients should take care to ensure tight, careful grips on containers of PANEXA, in order to secure their contents in the event of a seizure, caused by PANEXA or otherwise.

More From Merlin

Merlin Man’s 5ives has a real winner today:

Five rules from the NPR drinking game
  1. Nina Totenberg reads a transcript (1 drink)
  2. oboe is heard (2 drinks)
  3. Malcolm Gladwell reference (1 drink)
  4. Scott Simon cracks himself up (1 drink)
  5. Daniel Schorr mentions Watergate (3 drinks)

It’s Dick Fucking Cheney, “mang”

Dangerous Squid gives us this excellent mashup of Cheney’s RNC speech and everyone’s favorite iconic coke kingpin. (Original link here.)

Update 4 Oct 2005: We been slashdotted by Crooksandliars.com, who linked directly to our local copy last night. This caused our colo to have a mild freakout and contact us, creating a genuine freakout until we figured out why this 18GB/month site served 70GB since last night. The local copy has therefore been removed. Sorry.

And now, a leetle joke

Donald Rumsfeld is giving the president his daily briefing. He concludes by saying: “Yesterday, 3 Brazilian soldiers were killed.” “OH NO!” the President exclaims. “That’s terrible!” His staff sits stunned at this display of emotion, nervously watching as the President sits, head in hands. Finally, the President looks up and asks, “How many is a brazillion?”

Best. Sculpture. EVAR.

Excellent statue Via JWZ.

Two bronze sculptures pee into their oddly-shaped enclosure. While they are peeing, the two figures move realistically. An electric mechanism driven by a couple of microproccesors swivels the upper part of the body, while the penis goes up and down. The stream of water writes quotes from famous Prague residents. Visitor can interupt them by sending SMS message from mobile phone to a number, displayed next to the sculptures. The living statue then `writes’ the text of the message, before carrying on as before.