Ed Rosenthal Found Guilty

In the conclusion of the Kafkaesque trial I noted earlier, Ed Rosenthal has been found guilty under Federal law of cultivating marijuana despite the fact that he had permits and permission from his city and state under local statues for medical use. He was not allowed to mention the purpose of the pot in question, nor could his attorneys mention the fact that what he was doing was legal under state law. So much for state’s rights. Rosenthal faces he possibility of life in prison for growing medical pot, something his state deems acceptable. On the other hand, Ken Lay walks free.

And people keep using this crap for what reason?

This week, another Internet worm did its best to crash countless Microsoft servers on the Internet. Microsoft, whose usual position is “just keep up with the patches and you’ll be fine,” was among those hit, as they can’t seem to follow their own advice.

Why do people keep using Microsoft server software? I understand having trouble abandoning Office, but if you skip the servers, omit Outlook, and ditch IE for Mozilla, your safety level rises dramatically even if you stick with Windows. Moving to a Mac or Linux makes you even safer. Food for thought.

The Cure For All Diseases! A World Without Parasites!

Now, within our grasp! I heard it on the Internets! It’s gotta be true! Order your zapper today and be rid of all disease-causing parasites through the miracle of, well, some principle they’re not exactly clear on. But you should definitely get one. It’s got magnets in it, and we all know how magic magnets are.

On the other hand, they might well be kooks.

Oh, brother.

Bush named Jerry Thacker, an HIV-positive evangelical who has referred to AIDS as a “gay plague” and homosexuality as a “deathstyle,” to serve on the Presidential Advisory Commission on HIV and AIDS. Thacker is also an advocate of strict abstinence-only education, and is among many on the hard right convinced that homosexuality is a choice that can be abandoned (a view not supported by the APA, among others).

Dept. of Bush Administration Hypocrisy , part . . . hell, I lost count.

It’s clearly not enough that they’re on some sort of religious-right anti-condom crusade — a crusade the pushes abstinence-only education as the sole approved way to talk about STDs and HIV, and ignores clinical data on what protection condoms offer. Now they’ve decided that state’s rights only means something if it’s a way to promulgate segregation.

Bush’s DEA is pushing for a federal conviction for an Oakland, California medical marijuana maven who worked within California’s medical use laws. Yup; the voters in California said what he did was okay, but the Feds don’t care. Gotta love the New Federalism.

UpdateThey’ve actually gone to trial; I’ve just read that the defense team have been forbidden from mentioning (1) what he was growing pot for (i.e., medical use) or (2) that he was operating with the blessing of the state of California.

Commercials I Don’t Skip

If you’re like me – and who wouldn’t like to be? – you love the Sprint commercials hinging on linguistically improbable misunderstandings attributed to spotty cellular connections. I love the “monkey with a cold” one, and “soap opera star” sends Erin and I into giggles with astonishing regularity, but this one may be their finest work yet.

Free Money from Music Weasels

No, really. There’s a class action settlement about price fixing, and if you bought a CD between 1995 and 2000 — a set of people that probably includes everyone reading this — you could get between $5 and $20 just by registering here.If too many people register, they’ll just give the money to charity. Seriously.

Dept. of Other Cool Sites

NoGators will be taking a little Christmas Break, but we don’t want to leave you, our faithful readers, in a lurch. Therefore and in accordance with the prophesy, we provide the following list of other amusing blog sites you may enjoy in our absence:


Oh, and don’t forget your monkey stuff.

Greatest Hits, so to speak.

I know I’ve linked this before, but what with the new movie coming out and all, I thought I’d toss it out again. Of course, before I didn’t have a link to a site covering the entire album from which this little ballad is taken.

Update: Senior NoGators Insurance Fraud Analyst Triple-F points out that the last link has already expired, damn it. Oh well. Take our word for it; it was very cool.