We’re Sorry

Look. We admit it. We know there are sometimes things that we post here that are horrible. Ridiculous. Painful, even. Maybe visiting this page has gotten someone into trouble with a spouse, a lover, a co-worker, a boss, or even the clergy. That we know this, publically acknowledge it, and yet not change compounds the sin immeasurably.

And yet, you keep coming back. For you, the determined sort not yet sufficiently burned, offended, or morally compromised to realize the error of your ways, we present the GeezerSqueezer.

Dept. of Excellent Fan Sites

LilBill.net is a fan site devoted to a Saturday morning cartoon called “The Adventures of Li’l Bill & Hill,” which ran from 1993 to 2000. The show, clearly patterned on the Clinton administration, followed the lives of the gang at White House Elementary (like the Simpsons, they never seemed to age). This site — which purports to be the only fan site of its kind, and I believe him — includes episode and character listings (complete with guest star and voice actor credits) as well as a reasonably complete survey of show-related collectable items.

Of course, the real kicker is that it’s all fiction; no such show ever existed. I love this. AMAZING.

Dept. of More Stuff That Pisses Me Off, and also some Clowns

Bear with me. I’ll be funny again (indeed, if ever I was such a thing) soon.

First up, we have the inimitable P. J. O’Rourke venting about airport (in)security in the current Atlantic Monthly. Of course, complaining is probably tantamount to treason under Mullah Ashcroft, but P. J. marches on.

Then we’ve got this administration’s first big scandal, right here in my own backyard. Senior NoGators Political Correspondent E. Willis (seen here, at left, with editor) points out this bit from the Washington Post, which puts things in perspective. Also, ABCNews.com is running a particularly disturbing story that makes it abundantly clear that Lay & co. knew their empire was a house of cards.

Oh, yes. The clowns. Late last night I found this running on HBO. It’s a fifteen minute short on the difficulties and discrimination facing clowns in America, even in this day and age. Brilliant.

Dept. of Creeping Fascism, Bush Family Style

When I was in Florida right before Christmas, the plight of University of South Florida professor Sami Al-Arian was all over the local news, but nowhere else. Now Salon has picked up the story, and thank God for that. This professor has been fired as a result of a witch hunt centering around him making “provocative statements,” which (last I checked) were also Constitutionally protected free speech, especially for an academic. The USF president should be ashamed, and so should the entire university community.

I fear this kind of thing far, far more than I fear terrorists. Enemies with bombs are one thing; enemies in our own country systematically destroying the whole point of our nation is something far, far worse. Read this article.

Dept. of Creeping Fascism

Please read this. Memo to FBI: Being outspoken in opposition to policies and practices of the government is not treason, nor is it reason to intimidate citizens, nor is it, really, any of your business. In many respects, it could actually be called patriotic — I see it as certainly moreso than empty jingoism. The freedom to state views contrary to the ruling party’s is a core value of our nation, and ought not be trod upon in the name of “fighting terrorism.”

That Pesky God Particle

Many of you, I’m sure, have followed with relish the admission by certain high-energy physicists recently that the long-theorized and much-depended-upon yet never-actually-observed Higgs Boson (a.k.a. the “God” particle) may well not exist after all. This is a problem for subatomic physics, you see, because it is the Higgs that gives all particles mass. If it doesn’t exist — and they can’t seem to find it, and they’ve looked everywhere — then the whole of particle theory will have to be reworked, resting as it has largely on something that they now concede may be as imaginary as the Easter Bunny (sorry, Chris).

I contacted NoGators Physics Correspondent Emeritus Finch for comment, who says:

Don’t let those high-energy physicists fool you with their apoplectic despondency; they are relishing the opportunity to start from scratch, [and are] making up new particles as needed to replace the legendary Higgs boson. And as for not having mass, don’t tell the diet and fitness experts; this is their most lucrative time of year.

In closing, she notes that this is, in all fairness, far afield of her studies in chemical physics:

My knowledge of high energy physics is limited to believing the whole lot of them are on crack.

So there you have it. |*|

Dept. of Missing the Point

For some reason, KPMG thinks it has the right to control who may link to any portion of their site, and is sending letters to folks who don’t have a “link agreement” with them insisting that the links be removed (I wonder when I’ll get mine?). The web community at large is, of course, treating this with precisely the amount of respect it deserves.

I love the Economist.

The famed British newsmagazine is running a certain correction in its current print and online editions. It reads

In the issues of December 16th 2000 to November 10th 2001, we may have given the impression that George Bush had been legally and duly elected president of the United States. We now understand that this may have been incorrect, and that the election result is still too close to call. The Economist apologises for any inconvenience.
