More on the War on Dissent: COINTELPRO Redux

The Feds are spying on peaceful dissent groups, even in some cases trying to incite them toward violent behavior. Salon’s coverage continues in this first installment of two-part story. The scariest quote is from California anti-terrorism official Mike Van Winkle: “You can almost argue that a protest against that is a terrorist act.”

Think about that. Cops always want more power. Period. Their job is to catch bad guys, and they see anything that gets in their way as bad. Their job is not to defend our liberties; the Judicial branch is our real watchdog. Allowing cops to make policy on issues like this is a recipe for disaster.

Dept. of Rights-of-the-Accused

JB For years now, I’ve been ranting here about the gradual erosion of our civil liberties in the name of “security.” Now, though, it’s finally gone FAR TOO FAR.

As any fool can see, James Brown was clearly denied his right to ‘Do Process last month when he was arrested for spousal battery. If it can happen to JB, it can happen to YOU.

Thanks, I’m here all week. Try the veal.

Because we know how much Eric loves this song

On this day 45 years ago, a plane crashed, starting a trend that has claimed folks at the top of their game and those just treading water. Of course, there are those who say Misters Holly, Valens, and Bopper were just copying Mr. Miller, so there you go.

(Yes, I left out this guy on purpose, since he can’t even blame coked-up pilots and too much luggage or “faulty heaters” like some others I could name.)

What He Said

Slacktivist once again nails it, this time on the bizarre claims the administration is now making about how it was mislead on the Iraqi WMD issue by the CIA and the intelligence community. It’s been amply documented that in the rush to war, the White House disregarded any intelligence that suggested their cassus belli of choice was inaccurate; they cannot not credibly claim that the CIA is to blame for their own cherrypicking of only the most damning (and unverifiable) data.

Ah, the TSA

Agent Mohney points us to the libertarian publication Reason for this discussion of the efficacy and competency of the Transportation Safety Administration. Hint: it’s a sick joke, and we’re no safer for our loss of privacy and liberty when flying.

Jacksonian Boobocracy

Okay, when I made a snarky remark about how some people seemed up in arms about Janet’s bare breast, but were utterly untroubled by the other crass exploitation of sexuality surrounding the Super Bowl, I was making a joke.

From where I sit, this bit of exposure is only different in degree, not substance, from the countless scantily-clad dancers surrounding P. Diddy and Nelly, for example, not to mention the cheerleaders for teams themselves. It didn’t occur to me that anyone would actually think of this as materially different than these other exploitations of sexuality, or to even think that something like this (deliberate or not) wasn’t inevitable. Sex and titilation sell. The networks and the NFL trade on this very fact, and to pretend otherwise is simple mendacity.

I say all this now because the FCC is looking into whether or not there should be some sort of sanctions for this “classless, crass, and deplorable stunt” (as FCC chairman Michael Powell described it). He goes on to suggest that we as a nation “deserve better.” (Frankly, I thought the breast in question was perfectly nice, but maybe Whatever, Michael. Were you similarly scandalized by Nelly grabbing his crotch, or by the skimpy costumes the cheerleaders wore? I doubt it. Show a nipple, though, and these boobs freak right the hell out.

Heh-heh, heh-heh, boobs.

Apparently, that really was Janet Jackson’s boob (or, at least, her nipple jewelry) that Justin Timberlake exposed last night at the finale of their “flirtatious” duet. Timberlake, for his part, has apologized for the “wardrobe malfunction,” which is a phrase I hope makes it into the popular lexicon. The grouches at the NFL were not amused, though, and have stated that MTV will no longer be doing the halftime show, which strikes me as hilarious given the sexual aspects of virtually every beer ad shown during the broadcast. Bikini-clad girls selling beer with little left to the imagination: OK. Janet Jackson’s (pierced! (NSFW)) nipple: Horrors!

Why Zero Tolerance Sucks

Salon discusses the widespread nightmare that zero tolerance policies in schools create. Like mandatory sentencing minimums, zero tolerance policies ignore any extenuating circumstances, and remove all possibility of flexibility in response to infractions.

It’s happening already

California voters are already having trouble with their $12 million Diebold voting system. It seems some votes go to the wrong candidates sometimes. Diebold, of course, insists they’ll fix the problem, but won’t show anyone the code since it’s a trade secret.

Surely the conflicts involved here are obvious, right?

It’s an Airport Security Twofer

This, of course, surprises no one
The 9/11 panel finds that existing security measures should have caught at least some of the hijackers, something that’s been widely asserted in the 2 years since the attacks. Of course, this won’t stop the Feds from continuing their police-power-grab.
At least all those new security measures make airports safer, right?
A woman at LaGuardia got past security with a stun gun and a knife last week. Ooops.

Wes Clark, Michael Moore, George Bush, and Desertion

In the 2000 elections, one of the most amazing things to me was that the Democrats made NOTHING of Bush’s Vietnam reserve record, and that the press — whom you’d think would have been all over it — let the whole issue slide.

Now, with two solid records running for the Democratic nomination, the issue may get legs after all, especially since Clark has thus far refused to repudiate supporter Michael Moore’s claim that Bush was and is a deserter. Is he? Well, here’s a discussion and examination of precisely that claim and the coverage surrounding Moore’s statement.

Two facts, though, aren’t even in dispute:

  1. In the spring of 1972, Bush failed to get a flight physical in direct violation of orders.
  2. Bush performed no duties or drills of any kind between early May and late November of 1972.

Now, that’s not really desertion (technically), but it’s damn sure being AWOL, and it seems pretty clear that somebody without a super-connected family would have probably been discliplined. Since the “liberal media” had such a field day with Clinton being “draft dodger” back in ’92, I eagerly await their tenacious coverage of these charges.

Dept. of Useful Tips

Bad News Hughes breaks it all down for you.

The Renaissance Faire may not be the source of all your problems, but it sure as shit isnÕt helping any. If, while chugging a beer, the phrase, ÒI bet this is going to be the last coherent thought I have tonight,Ó runs through your head, get someone to take you home. Now. The cops never think itÕs as funny as you do.

Jim Anchowers of the world, take note.

Dept. of Closet Treasures

Today, we noticed we were running low on red wine glasses. They’re crystal, so we just accept a certain attrition rate. Of course, “crystal” also means “not cheap,” so we were momentarily vexed.

Fortunately, I remembered something. I went to the kitchen closet and pulled out my previously-forgotten, unopened “reserve” box of glasses. Said Erin, “Oh yeah, there was a New Economy there for a while, wasn’t there?”


Dept. of Unintended Irony

High school students in Florida were disqualified from a theater competition because their anti-totalitarian play (James Clavell’s 1963 one-act “The Children’s Story”) includes a scene wherein students are encouraged to cut up a flag following the US’ defeat at the hands of some powerful enemy. The episode is designed to illustrate the dangers of mindless obedience, a fact apparently lost on the competition’s administrators, who appear to have missed the last 14 years of Constitutional law. Co-chair and theater teacher Melody Wicht disqualified the team based on Florida Statute 876.52, which bars flag desecration. “My problem was that they took an American flag off the flagpole and cut it into pieces. They were disqualified based on Florida law,” she said.

Of course, just such a statute was struck down in 1990 by the Supremes; writing for the majority, Scalia (!) noted that flag desecration was clearly an expression of disagreement, and was therefore protected speech. This means the Florida statute is no good, either.

Perhaps the theater teachers in Florida need a refresher from the government and history departments. What they taught here was that (1) they don’t actually understand the First Amendment; and (2) they’re incapable of experiencing a work in any but the most literal senses. And people wonder why smart kids hate high school.

Dept. of Creeping BigBrotherism

Security expert Bruce Schneier — author of the excellent Beyond Fear, which everyone ought to read — discusses the increased police powers and governmental surveillance since 9/11, a trend that continues more or less unabated. An excerpt:

We need to weigh each security countermeasure. Is the additional security against the risks worth the costs? Are there smarter things we can be spending our money on? How does the risk of terrorism compare with the risks in other aspects of our lives: automobile accidents, domestic violence, industrial pollution, and so on? Are there costs that are just too expensive for us to bear? Rarely do we discuss how little identification has to do with security, and how broad surveillance of everyone doesn’t really prevent terrorism. Unfortunately, it’s rare to hear this level of informed debate. Few people remind us how minor the terrorist threat really is. Rarely do we discuss how little identification has to do with security, and how broad surveillance of everyone doesn’t really prevent terrorism. And where’s the debate about what’s more important: the freedoms and liberties that have made America great or some temporary security? Instead, the Department of Justice, fueled by a strong police mentality inside the administration, is directing our nation’s political changes in response to Sept. 11. And it’s making trade-offs from its own subjective perspective–trade-offs that benefit it even if they are to the detriment of others.

Agree or not, it’s definitely worth thought. This administration is making these tradeoffs with no regard for long-term repercussions, and that’s scary as hell. This week, Bush threatened to veto a bipartisan bill that would scale back the powers granted under the USA PATRIOT Act. They’re not interested in giving back powers; governments never are, and ours is no exception. Or, at least, this Adminstration isn’t.

Dept. of Sucky Browsers

Microsoft, aware that its flagship browser Internet Explorer is rife with security holes, is suggesting that you type in URLs instead of clicking them in some circumstances to avoid falling prey to such exploits.

What? Yep, that’s right: since clicking links in IE is a risky behavior, they suggest you avoid doing so. Here’s another suggestion: USE A DIFFERENT BROWSER. There is no platform where IE is the best choice, period.

New Frontiers in Weaseldom

Comcast, long hated in many towns in its capacity as cable monopoly, has brought monopolistic customer service to a new market: broadband. Despite not having a set policy or published bandwidth usage limits, it’s been warning and then disconnecting customers who use too much. The real kicker is that even when asked, they won’t tell customers how much IS too much. Fantastic.

Coverage at and

Dept. of Finally

Part of the PATRIOT Act has been found unconstitutional. Now, for the rest of that damn creeping totalitarian law. Just to remind you: it got passed in a panic after 9/11, and our elected representatives by and large DID NOT READ IT before passing it. If that’s not dereliction of duty, I don’t know what is.

Scarier, of course, is the fact that it almost certainly had to exist on 9/10/2001, waiting for the right moment to be introduced to Congress.

Dept. of Monocultures

MyDoom is makingi the rounds this week; The Register notes it’s the worst virus ever, at least in terms of infection rate, and other sources agree. While initially thought to have been the work of a Linux fan upset about SCO’s legal shenanigans, it now seems to have come from Russia (alternate link) — and that the SCO DDOS activities of the worm are in fact a red herring, since it also installs backdoors on infected machines. Nevertheless, SCO is offering a $250K reward for the arrest of the worm’s author.

In the meantime, Techweb offers some tips on how you can protect yourself, but they leave out the one most likely to produce results: Stop using Windows. Corporate America is a monoculture of Windows, and this — coupled with Windows’ horrible security — creates a target virus authors find irresistable. My OS X machines are safe, as are my Linux boxen, partly because of a fundamentally better security model, but also because they’re not the majority platform. If you’re a normal human, when you next consider a computer purchase, look hard at the Mac. If you’re savvy and geeky and willing to dive into the deep end, consider running Linux full-time. You’ll be contributing to the end of the monoculture, which will save us all from the inevitable and catastrophic effects of such homogeneous environments.

More on Faith v. Science

The Administration’s approach to soaring STD rates in American teens is — you guessed it — funding more abstinance-only programs. These programs, of course, generally prohibit discussing alternatives to chastity and are viewed by the scientific community as incomplete (at best) and dangerous (at worst). There are even studies that suggest that these abstinence-only programs result in increases in pregnancy and STD rates. Don’t miss the point here: the programs advocated by this administration prohibit complete discussion of sexually transmitted diseases. They represent less education, not more, and as such are MORE dangerous and LESS effective at reducing risk for teens.

Not that this bothers Bush & co., of course; the point here is to keep the Religious Right happy, and those folks won’t tolerate any program that doesn’t push total abstinence. Pay attention: the ongoing push for abstinence-only programs trades actual education — and the benefits associated therewith — for political support.

Sniping at Oscar

In which the Heathen provide commentary on the Academy’s nominations, or most of them, anyway. To Wit:

Best Picture
  • Good News: They finally noticed what Peter Jackson’s been doing.
  • Bad News: Seabiscuit’s on the list, too. Haven’t we heard enough about that goddamn horse already?
Best Director
  • Good News: Jackson scores again, and has three films to show for it — with no big nods thus far, it makes sense that they’ve held off until the final film.
  • Bad News: He’s against Sophia Coppola and Clint Eastwood.
Best Actor
  • Good News: In a surprise move, Johnny Depp gets the nod he’s deserved for years for his role in Pirates of the Caribbean.
  • Bad News: Sean Penn again?
Best Actress
  • Good News: Charlize Theron’s outstanding performance makes her nomination here a foregone conclusion.
  • Bad News: Charlize Theron’s role as a mass murdering hard-luck hooker makes it an awful big stretch to think the Academy will give her the statue she deserves.
Best Supporting Actor
  • Good News: Benicio Del Toro and Alec Baldwin are on the list.
  • Bad News: What the hell is wrong with any of Jackson’s cast? Where’s Sean Astin? Where’s Ian McKellen?
Best Supporting Actress
  • Good News: We’ll have to listen to some Hollywood type try to say “Aghdashloo” on stage in front of millions of people.
  • Bad News: Renee “Look! I can modulate my weight AND do an accent!” Zellweger will probably win.
Best Screenplay (Original)
  • Good News: Lost in Translation gets a deserved nod here.
  • Bad News: I have an ugly feeling that fucking fish movie will win.
Best Screenplay (Adaptation)
  • Good News: LOTR scores another (and, in this case, inevitable) nomination here.
  • Bad News: With a fantasy epic and a comic adaptation to choose from here, they may well play it safe and pick that goddamn horse again.
  • Bad News: Not to beat a drum here, but what the hell is wrong with these people? LOTR deserves at least a nomination here for sheer scope of film if nothing else.
  • More Bad News: That fucking horse is on this list, too.
Film Editing
  • Good News: LOTR’s here, if not in the above category.
  • Bad News: Seriously, can’t we Alpo that thing yet?
Visual Effects
  • Good News: Lord of the Rings again, natch. Though the coolest effect was actually in the first movie; the Balrog is the scariest thing I’ve ever seen on film. (Not counting Charlize Theron, above.)
  • More Good News: Pirates of the Caribbean gets a deserved nod here, too.
  • Bad News: In a field 2/3 great, Wet-Russell-Crowe could walk away with it.
Art Direction
  • Good News: LOTR once again, for that tiny task of visualizing a whole world for the screen.
  • Bad News: It’s up against everyone’s favorite glue candidate, wet-Russell-Crowe, and Dances with Samurai, none of which feature the kiss-of-death aspects of magic, dragons, etc.
Costume Design
  • Good News: See Art Direction, above.
  • Bad News: See Art Direction, above.
  • Good News: See Visual Effects, above.
  • Bad News: See Visual Effects, above.
Sound Mixing
  • Good News: Peter Jackon’s ploy of make-the-stadium-pretend-to-be-orcs pays off.
  • Bad News: The inescapable Spiderman-goes-to-the-Races is here, too.
Original Song
  • Good News: A Mighty Wind’s “Kiss at the End of the Rainbow” is here.
  • Bad News: TWO songs from Cold Mountain are, too.

Dept. of Surveilance

“Googlestalking” is using the search engine to locate bits of information about friends, family, past loves, etc. It’s surprisingly widespread, but itsn’t without its pitfalls.

Last week, I read a really funny story about such a pitfall on a private conferencing system. I discovered today that the author also put it in her blog, so you may all now giggle at her discovery. Call it “Whatever happened to that girl from Chorus, and does she have trouble witih speed limits?