This just in: TNR’s Easterbrook is an ignorant gasbag

Brad DeLong takes Easterbrook to task for a particularly stupid editorial from The New Republic about how physics is “mumbo jumbo” on account of it not making any sense to him. Easterbrook also makes it abundantly clear that he knows little and understands less about the nature of light, electromagnetism, and gravity.

You know, when this sort of thing is easy to research — I mean, it’s not like Google’s hard to use, and there’s an awful lot of printed material on the subject geared toward a lay audience. Ignorance is one thing; remaining so out of spite or some sort of suspician of “booklearnin'” is yet another.

Abu Graib Gets Worse

We have not yet heard the worst of this story.

In January of this year, U.S. Army Maj. Gen. Anthony Taguba was ordered to investigate the actions of the military police at Abu Ghraib. The 53-page executive summary of his findings caused a sensation when it was leaked in April. The full report — 106 “annexes” composed of internal Army memos and e-mails, as well as sworn statements made by soldiers and detainees to the Army’s CID (Criminal Investigation Division) — shows the prison under siege and out of control. In violation of Army policy, Abu Ghraib was located in a war zone, where detainees and U.S. soldiers alike were under daily assault by mortars, rocket-propelled grenades and small-arms fire. Prisoners were regularly beaten, sodomized with broomsticks and police batons, terrorized by military attack dogs, and subjected to psychological torture, including at least one mock electrocution. Salon


I’ve been sitting on this link for days trying to find a way to explain it without going apoplectic, but I’m not sure there is one. Fafblog handles some commentary in their own inimitable way, of course, but I’d really love for someone to explain how this administration can appose the proliferation of WMDs so vehemently — hey, we went to WAR on the SUSPICIAN that Saddam had ’em — and yet also oppose the use of weapons inspectors, insisting verificationw as too expensive, too intrustive, and couldn’t guarantee compliance:

Administration officials declined to explain in detail how they believed U.S. security would be harmed by creating a plan to monitor the treaty. Arms-control specialists reacted negatively, saying the change in U.S. position will dramatically weaken any treaty and make it harder to prevent nuclear materials from falling into the hands of terrorists. Seattle Times

We have a winner!

The Illinois GOP have selected Alan Keyes as their whipping boy, er, candidate to run against Barack Obama. As noted yesterday, Keyes does not now, nor has he ever, lived in Illinois; we don’t have a problem with this ourselves, but some people do:

I deeply resent the destruction of federalism represented by Hillary Clinton’s willingness to go into a state she doesn’t even live in and pretend to represent people there. So I certainly wouldn’t imitate it.

Know who said that? Yup: ALAN KEYES (Fox News, March 17, 2000; Chicago Trib story cites this here, use ih8logins/ih8logins to access). This should be fun to watch, in a taunting-the-afflicted sort of way. Josh Marshall has a fun post on the subject today as well. I’m still at a loss to figure out what, exactly, the Illinois GOP think they’re going to accomplish.

Veterans for Truth, or Veterans for the GOP. (Pick one.)

The GOP is going all-out with their “Swift Boat Veterans for Truth” group whose central message is that Kerry somehow fudged his service record and, by inference, those troublesome decorations. Trouble is, none of these guys actually served WITH Kerry (NYT link sure to rot). In a cite sure to irritate Edgar, MediaMatters has actual citations of their somewhat troublesome relationship with the truth. Joe Conason in Salon has more on the subject from a May editorial.

On the other hand, the men who stood with Kerry at the convention represented 9 of the 10 surviving members of his two boats, a fact noted in the Wall Street Journal, of all places (here, but paid subscription required).

The really bizarre point here is, however, that the GOP is working to say Kerry’s war record isn’t all that, when you’d think they’d be avoiding this issue like the plague, given Dubya’s “service” in Alabama.

Dept. of Birthdays

Frank, in a green hat, expresses an overall feeling of approval. Today, August 5, is Chief NoGators/Heathen Legal Correspondent Triple-F’s birthday. We can’t tell you how old he is, but we CAN say it rhymes with “schwenty-nine”. (File foto)

Happy birthday, buddy. Have fun in Prague.

In which we discuss Republican game shows

This year’s seen the debut of perhaps the funniest reality show yet, something we here at Heathen are calling “Who Wants To Be Obama’s Bitch,” but which the GOP calls “find a candidate to replace Jack Ryan who didn’t try to fuck anyone in public.”

They’re down to two candidates, having gotten “no” from such political luminaries as Mike Ditka. Bachelor number one is Alan Keyes, who’s never actually, you know, lived in Illinois (be not vexed; he can move there by election day and everything’s kosher); bachelor number two is Andrea Barthwell, who has a few interesting items on her resume.

During her brief stint at the drug czar’s office one of her most noteworthy accomplishments seems to have been getting written up in a “hostile workplace memorandum” for “lewd and abusive behavior.” Talking Points Memo

The winner of this little contest gets to spend acres of cash to try and catch Democratic wunderkind and apparent real-deal Barack Obama, who has $10MM in the bank and was leading pretty-boy candidate Jack Ryan by a substantial margin before Ryan withdrew under RNC pressure. I suppose it would be too straightforward for them simply to cede the seat, but does anyone really think Obama can be beaten in November?

How to look even more like an idiot, by K. Harris

  1. Insist that, though you can’t be specific because it’s, you know, all secret and all, the Bush administration has prevented more than a hundred attacks against the US since 9/11.
  2. Get all cagey when officials in DC — and in one of the states you say has been protected — express dismay at your bizarre pronouncements.
  3. Finally, when called on it from all sides “express regret” without actually withdrawing anything.

Way to go, Harris! Now, if you could just master makeup in such a way that you no longer resembled a cross between a demented clown, Tammy Fay, and a hooker, well, you’d be on to something.

In which we receive fan mail

No, really:

So, I was working on putting out my own CD and I had decided that it would be called Miscellaneous Heathen based on a picture my wife took of some religious wacko’s protest sign. [Ed: he means this guy, captured in this foto by Tom Tomorrow.] I decided that it might be a good idea to register or, so I looked them up and found to my dismay that someone had beat me to it. I hated you for having the temerity to think of it way before me. But then I checked out your website and all that hate floated away… and I could hear only birds singing… and see nothing but hearts and teddy bears and, of course, unicorns flying over brightly lit rainbows. In other words, I love your site or blog or whatever you call it. Because of you I have now seen the Shining in 30 Seconds (and performed by Bunnies). And I have found great sources of ACTUAL NEWS. Unbelievable. O.K. — lovefest over. Don’t worry, I won’t send Catherine Zeta Jones threatening letters because of you or anything. Sincerely,
John Hoskinson

Granted, it’s only fanmail because he wanted the domain at first, but he does give us much grist for the slogan mill, like “Heathen: Unicorns flying over brightly lit rainbows” and such.

It was with some trepidation that we checked out Mr. Hoskinson’s audio samples, but we’re awful glad we did. We like the sound of his record, and we particularly enjoy the name he’s given it. All Hail the Heathen Brotherhood!

The sky is falling! The sky is falling!

Yesterday, we were accused of being overly cynical when we opined that we thought the new “terror alert” had much more to do with politics — and with Bush’s troublesome poll numbers — than with any real intelligence suggesting any increased danger in the northeast.

This morning, it’s widely reported that the information underlying this alert is primarily from before 9/11.

Much of the information that led the authorities to raise the terror alert at several large financial institutions in the New York City and Washington areas was three or four years old, intelligence and law enforcement officials said on Monday. They reported that they had not yet found concrete evidence that a terror plot or preparatory surveillance operations were still under way.
