It has been suggested…

…that I whiffed a golden opportunity yesterday re: the deaths of certain jackasses, but in truth I was just super busy.

We are better off without the likes of Andrew Breitbart on this earth, and who knows? Maybe God agreed. Breitbart created controversies for personal gain by selectively and dishonestly editing videotapes, and then calling it “journalism.” He was more interested in personal enrichment and a broken, fundamentally selfish and un-American ideology than in anything else. I was criticized in private correspondence yesterday for dancing on his grave, but the likes of Breitbart are a cancer on American discourse. He and his ilk encouraged the worst impulses of their audience and, in so doing, led them to false conclusions as a party trick. To be worthy of the title “journalist,” you need to be working to inform and educate the public. What Breitbart did was sick, craven manipulation designed to float his own boat and aid his ideological fellow travelers, and he did it in a way that makes Murdoch’s Fox look subtle.

I am sad for his family, and whatever friends he may have had. I am sad he made the choice to use what was clearly an exemplary intellect in such a morally bankrupt way. I am sad that his financial success means we will see more of this kind of media hooliganism, not less.

But I am absolutely not sad that he will make no more such noise.

TSA: Still Worthless

We can add former FBI agents to the list of subject-matter experts who find the TSA an utter failure and waste of time.

I’d point out respected authorities outside DHS or the TSA itself who say the opposite, but there aren’t any. Guys who know what the hell they’re talking about when it comes to security, air travel, or fighting terrorism are all pretty united on how useless the TSA is, though.

Lest you forget, the author reminds us a a very key point: the TSA has never stopped an actual terror plot. NEVER. Not once.

Pitch. Perfect.

Every time I hear about another social network I “need” to check out, I roll my eyes a little. Granted, by writing here I maintain a pretty rich online presence, and things like Facebook, Google+, Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, etc., are first and foremost about allowing people too untechnical to create a real blog some level of access in this still-new medium, so to a first approximation I probably should just welcome all these new tools. But who has the time?

The truly eye-rolly thing is that there are some folks who somehow insist they’re participating meaningfully in so many of these networks as to defy belief. Really? You maintain a blog, a Twitter feed, a Facebook wall, a Tumblr, and post 10 shots a day to Instagram? How, exactly? (And if the answer is “I put the same content on all of them,” well, what’s the point?)

So let’s just say that this little parody hits me exactly right, and if you share my view on these things, it may please you as well.

Via Brent Simmons. Even better is the beneficiary of the joke, btw.

(For my part, I do Twitter and Heathen almost exclusively. I’m on Facebook, but only minimally, and mostly at this point to easily communicate with family.)

What “Fair and Balanced” Actually Means

This is kind of huge. Basically, NPR is walking away from the whole bullshit “teach the controversy” style of reporting that refuses to make any judgements about arguments. You know what I mean: stories that end with the intellectual equivalent of “while sources at the Vatican insist scripture shows the Earth is the center of the universe”.

A journalist’s job isn’t to report what’s being said. It’s entirely possible one side really IS demonstrably full of shit; in fact, in American politics, it’s quite often the case, and quite often the Republicans doing the lying. And the only reason they get away with it is because news orgs are afraid to call them on their shit for fear of being branded “liberal” by Fox and its fellow-travelers.

Even NPR has been taken in by this false equivalency doctrine in the past; no more:

In all our stories, especially matters of controversy, we strive to consider the strongest arguments we can find on all sides, seeking to deliver both nuance and clarity. Our goal is not to please those whom we report on or to produce stories that create the appearance of balance, but to seek the truth.


At all times, we report for our readers and listeners, not our sources. So our primary consideration when presenting the news is that we are fair to the truth. If our sources try to mislead us or put a false spin on the information they give us, we tell our audience. If the balance of evidence in a matter of controversy weighs heavily on one side, we acknowledge it in our reports. We strive to give our audience confidence that all sides have been considered and represented fairly.

I’m glad they’re returning to journalism. Or, as certain numbskull NYTimes editors called it, “vigilanteism for facts.”

Someone seriously needs to remind LEO who they work for

Via MeFi, “I’d Like To File A Complaint.” Police departments routinely use intimidation and threatening tactics to avoid providing legally required information, such as how to file a complaint.

I’ve said it before, and I will say it again, because it remains true: the only way to reign in this kind of jackassery is additional civilian oversight — with actual teeth — and the real possibility of criminal and civil liability for individual police officers found to be using their powers in inappropriate ways. The fact that they’re almost completely insulated from any repercussions creates an untenable situation where abuse is the rule.

(What amazes me is that the video linked is from American Family Radio. I guess a stopped clock really is right once and a while.)

This will never happen, but it’s a great idea

Nicholas Carr suggests that publishers include ebook downloads with regular books, in the way record labels do with vinyl and MP3, or the way you get music by default if you buy a CD.

I think record labels only do it because they sort of have to — a CD can be ripped and shared quickly, and while they tried to sell us formats that were locked down, nobody ever bought SACD or DVD-A in real volumes. They’re still stuck with CD, which means format shifting is a dead letter for the RIAA.

Book publishers may think this means they can keep trying to bill us twice for physical and electronic copies, since there’s no reasonable way to “rip” a novel onto your Kindle. But it’s still the right thing to do, for lots of reasons. The biggest one is that it’ll shore up their existing distribution channels (brick & mortar stores) at the expense of Amazon, and it’s in nobody’s best interest for any one company to control American publishing.

Sure would be nice. I pay a premium for a vinyl + CD-or-download-code package vs. what it would cost in the iTunes store, or what a CD alone would cost, because I prefer the form factor and tactile experience of vinyl. I’d pay a mild premium for books with Kindle editions included, too.

Update: Rich, White, Out of Touch People Still Rich, White, Out of Touch

MeFi points us to this post at Jezebel, about some rich alumna’s letter to the Smith College newspaper complaining about all the poor, nonwhite, lesbian students that are there now.

No, really. I’m not making this up. The letter closes with this:

I can tell you that the days of white, wealthy, upper-class students from prep schools in cashmere coats and pearls who marry Amherst men are over. This is unfortunate because it is this demographic that puts their name on buildings, donates great art and subsidizes scholarships.


Anyway, madcap hilarity ensues, predictably, but the single absolute best part is this comment at Jezebel itself that all by itself manages to redeem blog comments as a concept across the board:

Dear Place I Spent My Youth,

Things are not as good as they were when I was young, because my youth was the Best Time Ever.

I would like the world to reward me for my circumstances, despite the fact that I had nothing to do with them. They are still mine and I demand validation for them. Life is a game I won it, can’t you see that? Everyone loves me, or is intimidated by me, which means that everything is the way it should be.

The fact that you have shown approval to people who do not look like me, act like me, and are clearly not Life Winners like me hurts my feelings. Make them go away and restore my sense of superiority.

If you carry on including people based on their ability to thrive in an academic environment instead of their upper-class status, I will no longer be able to lord my credentials over other people. This will not stand.

Keep putting the cunt in country club,
Selfish Racist Homophobic Narcissist

That, gentle heathen, is a burn.

Monday Morning Geekery

JWZ point us to Carlos Bueno’s article How Bots Seized Control Of My Pricing Strategy, which is an interesting bit of weird Gibsonian emergent behavior:

Before I talk about my own troubles, let me tell you about another book, “Computer Game Bot Turing Test”. It’s one of over 100,000 “books” “written” by a Markov chain running over random Wikipedia articles, bundled up and sold online for a ridiculous price. The publisher, Betascript, is notorious for this kind of thing.

It gets better. There are whole species of other bots that infest the Amazon Marketplace, pretending to have used copies of books, fighting epic price wars no one ever sees. So with “Turing Test” we have a delightful futuristic absurdity: a computer program, pretending to be human, hawking a book about computers pretending to be human, while other computer programs pretend to have used copies of it. A book that was never actually written, much less printed and read.

Go read the whole thing.

If you blog from a Mac, you need MarsEdit

Astute Heathen (is there any other kind?) may have noticed a drastic uptick in output since the mid-January migration to the new platform, and there is a very, very simple reason for that: MarsEdit.

ME is a dedicated blogging client I run on my Mac. It does all the talking to the blog software for me, and frees me from having to type text into a web browser. It’s awesome.

I first starting using it long ago, but a couple years back there was some sort of shift in the underpinnings of Heathen that made kept it from working. (You can actually track roughly when this happened by looking at the post counts by month over in the archive section; the last month with as many posts as February 2012 was December 2007; there was a problem in early January of 2008.) We were always “just about” to fix it, until “just about” became years, and the fix became “migrate to something else because Movable Type is as dead as disco.”

But then a thing happened, and I ended up needing to bump my Mac up to Lion (about which I’m not particularly pleased), and post-Lion my copy of MarsEdit — which was a few versions behind — developed and annoying but minor tic. I wrote to support, basically expecting to be told to upgrade to the latest for full Lion compatibility, and that’s when I got surprised.

See, they did suggest that I just download the newest to see if that would solve the problem, but when it did they insisted on comping my upgrade. “We don’t know what the problem was, but you shouldn’t have had to upgrade to fix it. Here’s a key with our complements.”

Granted, we’re only talking about $15 here, but it’s still surprising. That’s some customer service right there, I tell you. Serious kudos to RedSweater Software for making a cool product, and standing behind it in a way big companies have long since forgotten how to do.

Something Else Awesome About Hay Merchant

The current “beer board” is not what Kevin Floyd wanted to begin with:

Although it may seem like no expense was spared, there is one focal point of the bar that didn’t make the budget. The chalkboard beer list, which takes constant updating as Floyd switches out the 80-odd taps, was envisioned originally as an old-fashioned split-flat board like the ones found displaying train schedules in old European stations. Unfortunately, only two companies in the world still make the analog boards, and they’re located in Japan and Italy.

Citing a move toward the digital model, they quoted the board Floyd envisioned at $150,000. He politely declined.

What Yelp Is, and Who Yelp Are

Local Heathen idol @GunsAndTacos has a great article in the Free Press about what a raging, awful, useless, extortionate clusterfuck Yelp is. Highly recommended. Representative quote:

Revolting, slanderous reviews of local businesses are the lifeblood of the Yelp platform. The sales model would be defunct without them. It’s really a clever model, because trolls don’t cost anything, and they’re a sustainable resource.

(Astute Heathen will notice Mr Tacos is also the proprietor of the previously-mentioend One Block Off Washington, his Q-Beam illuminated Tumblr starring and endless array of club-going douchebros. He’s a national treasure, goddammit.)

Every day, I wonder what crazy shit Santorum will say next

Rick Santorum is opposed to early childhood education programs. It is, he says, the parents’ job to do this:

Of course, the government wants their hands on your children as fast as they can. That is why I opposed all these early starts and pre-early starts, and early-early starts. They want your children from the womb so they can indoctrinate your children as to what they want them to be. I am against that.

Please, please, please GOP: nominate this boob.

Politifact Is Dead

They’re now pronouncing Lawrence O’Donnell’s statement that “critics of the GI Bill called it welfare” as “mostly false” despite in their own summary quoting several sources who referred to it as “relief,” “the dole”, and the equivalent of handouts.

Seriously? Maddow has more; go watch her takedown.

I mean, most intelligent folks wrote Politifact off months ago, when they declared Democrats’ claims that the GOP wanted to end Medicare a “pants on fire” lie of the year for 2011 — this despite the fact that this is precisely what the GOP set out to do. Politifact’s defense was that the GOP plan would still include something called Medicare, but given that their alternative had essentially nothing else in common with the Medicare of 2011 it’s hard to find this a strong argument for anything other than “Politifact has become a hack organization.”

Or, worse, someone is pressuring them to find “lies” from Democrats to balance the tons of bullshit generated by the GOP.

Dept. of Law Enforcement Overreach, Again

The Feds, in cases like JotForm’s and others where the use “destroy site first, justify (or not) later” tactics with no judicial oversight, appear almost eager to drive online businesses away from the US.

Trying to fix it later doesn’t solve the problem if you’ve bollocksed up an entire business after the fact. Frankly, the only thing I can think of that would curtail such LEO antics is personal liability at some level. Cops don’t care if departments get sued, because it rarely hurts them personally.

If they want to stop piracy, they have to realize they’re part of the problem

Hollywood would really like to have all sorts of extra tools, like SOPA and PIPA, to go with their colonization of the Justice department in the desperate pursuit of eradicating illegal content online.

For a whole host of reasons, that’s just not going to happen. People HAVE to be able to decrypt movies and music in order to watch them, and once they’re decrypted people will make copies. They’ll make backups, because media — either CD/DVD or hard drives — fails. They’ll transcode movies to watch on their phones and tablets. They’ll do these things because they should be able to do them, even though the MPAA would prefer it if you needed to re-buy your movies over and over in order to enjoy them on your TV, on your computer, and on your portable device.

Hollywood’s biggest problem isn’t piracy. Hollywood’s biggest problem is their own inability to treat their customers with anything other than contempt. Endless attempts to cash in at any point — like Sony’s move to jerk The Bodyguard off streaming services this week, because people will want to watch Whitney and maybe they can be convinced to BUY A BLU RAY instead — make it abundantly clear what they think of us, but one more excellent example is the ongoing usage of “release windows.”

The term describes the process of allowing properties to be available in certain ways only at certain times — maybe a movie is on Netflix for a while, but they’ll pull it off and flood the zone with BluRays if there’s a sequel coming, for example. And with television properties, the windowing rarely makes any sense at all.

Case in point, and the whole reason I’m writing this post, is what happened when the author of the Oatmeal tried to watch Game of Thrones. It’s very, very similar to what happened when Mrs Heathen and I tried to catch up on Battlestar Galactica before the final season was available. It beggars belief, really, that they make it this hard to give them money.

Law Enforcement LOVES Entrapment

That’s inflammatory, but it’s also true. Going out and cultivating your own lone-wolf terrorist, given him the (apparent) means and opportunity to do something nefarious, and then arresting him is probably way safer than tracking down actually dangerous people, but you get the same amount of headlines and good press, so it keeps happening. It’s also partly our own fault for being taken in by such headlines, and for demanding such simple scorekeeping. “Hey,” we collectively say, “they’re catching terrorists left and right! That’s awesome!” Except most people never bother to ask themselves “gee, were those folks really terrorists, or were they confused dupes badgered into an ill-conceived plot by Feds who wanted a bust?”

It’s not just in terrorism where cops play this game. Manufacturing crimes to arrest people for is part and parcel of the drug war, too. For example, an undercover sting in Florida recently bagged a teenager for dealing weed only after the girl he was trying to date — a 25-year-old undercover cop — begged and pleaded for him to get her some pot. Nice. I’m sure we’re all much safer now that such a menacing character will have is life ruined.