This is amazing
JWZ points us to WordLens, which must be seen to be believed.
Voyager 1 is about to leave the solar system behind. It is, somewhat obviously, the farthest man-made object ever, and will remain so barring any new launches of very, very fast probes.
Best Internet Picture EVAR.
In the words of Wheaton, what is this i dont even.
This is my son’s favorite. Do you know this one?
It’s that time again: Bing meets Bowie.
(Oh, wait, you were expecting maybe this one?)
That’s just wrong
Wrong, but also brilliantly done.
Think of it as a Coen/Tarantino take on the end of Yogi Bear — and by “end,” I mean the part where Booboo kills him.
(Widely linked, but it was MAD who made me finally look.)
Of note: One 1987 Buick. 167 miles. Not for sale.
In the middle 1980s, the fastest production car in America was, for a brief window, not some piece of European exotica; it was a Buick. The Grand National and its big brother, the GNX, were sleeper cars — they looked just like every other G-platform GM car, but packed serious heat under the hood. The GNX variant pushed nearly 300 horses (Buick sandbagged the rating at 276) and over 350 lb-ft of torque. Sixty miles an hour was less than five seconds away. Quarter mile times were similarly impressive.
Of course, being GM products, they mostly all fell apart by the mid to late nineties. Except for one, apparently: Boulevard Buick, in LA’s Signal Hill area, still has an unsold, pristine GNX on the floor; it’s got 167 miles on it, accumulated mostly going to and from the service bay for periodic maintenance.
It is not for sale.
Your Helpful Dose of Scale
This scale-of-the-Universe app is sort of like an interactive Powers of Ten.
Merry Christmas
“You think I’m licked. You all think I’m licked. Well I’m not licked. And I’m gonna stay right here and fight for this lost cause.”
Bernie Sanders (I-VT) is delivering an actual, no-shit, filibuster of the tax cut compromise bill. This is interesting because for many years, the “genteel” world of the Senate has rendered the actual “keep talking forever” aspect of the filibuster unnecessary; all that was necessary was to signal the intent of the minority party (or, I suppose, a coalition) to block cloture, and they wouldn’t force the drama to actually take place.
C-SPAN has live video, which you should watch just to say you’d seen one live.
(Extra Heathen points for any non-Erin parties who can properly identify the title quote.)
Wikileaks Bombshells
The cable-leak dump from Wikileaks has been kind of short of huge disclosures, at least until today. Apparently in retaliation for his arrest and possible extradition, Assange’s organization has dropped a new cache that, honestly, you should at least scan immediately.
Why was I not informed?
I was completely unaware that the small films Scotland, PA (2001, starring Maura Tierney) and Men of Respect (1990, with John Turturro!) were both actually adaptations of Macbeth. Must see both.
30 Years Ago Today
I didn’t give a shit then, either.
Holiday Reminder: Pyrex Isn’t Pyrex
If you, as I did, grew up trusting Pyrex cookware as essentially indestructible and capable of handling stove to counter to freezer all in one go, well, have I got some news for you.
Pyrex was Pyrex because of its makeup: it was, for most of our lives, borosilicate glass (and in fact came to be shorthand for borosilicate glass). Most kitchenware is soda lime glass, and it’s soda lime glass that is infamous for shattering if, say, you take a casserole out of your oven and put it directly on a stone countertop. It’s very vulnerable to thermal shock, and can even shatter with no small amount of violence when it happens.
Borosilicate glass is much, much more resistant to this sort of thing — you can literally take it from a 500 degree oven and put it directly on a wet, cold countertop with no ill effects. This is why people loved Pyrex. And this is why it’s a goddamn ridiculous, obnoxious, idiot marketer decision for someone to make Pyrex out of something other than borosilicate glass, but that’s just what “World Kitchen” did when they bought the brand name from Corning in 1998. Pyrex today is soda lime glass, not borosilicate, and Consumerist shows us what that means.
It’s a shocking breach of trust for this goofball firm to make Pyrex that, fundamentally, isn’t Pyrex, but that’s what happens when you get people who think of “branding” as more important than actual goods.
Best press conference EVER.
So maybe I’m *not* so sad that my Cataclysm shipment is delayed
World of Warcraft’s newest expansion officially became available at midnight last night. My shipment is delayed a week or more for some reason, but I thought I might play a bit just now.
Instead, I have a flashback to 2005:

This would be hilarious if it weren’t sad
I totally get that the FBI has the shivvers about Moolim Terra and all, but they’re starting to look silly.
First, we’ve had yet another example of the FBI trumpeting success in quashing a “terror plot” that was basically engineered by the FBI in the first place. They’ve done this more than once, and they’re basically getting passes on entrapment over and over again — but the bottom line is that none of these guys would’ve actually done anything nefarious without the the FBI’s undercover goading and undercover “weapons” or “explosives” dealers.
Now, we have this story from California. The gist is that some Muslims in an Orange County mosque became distressed by the increasingly violent rhetoric of one of their new members, so they called the Feds. And subsequently discovered that the “violent” instigator was . . . a mole for the FBI.
Nice one, guys. How ’bout you try catching some actual bad guys who, you know, do bad stuff without you setting it up for them?
I can’t decide whether to snicker or run in fear
I mean, what’s YOUR reaction to an automatic ham-boning robot?
What If via Warren Ellis
The comicwriter and Internet god has a forum where he interacts with fans. Recently, he issued an artists’ challenge:
1977. London. You have been tasked with producing the poster for Malcolm McLaren’s JUSTICE LEAGUE film.
This is the consensus winner, and it is 93 kinds of awesome and perfect.
Dept. of Amazing Homemade Instruments
Close the Washington Monument
Bruce Schneier has a modest proposal:
Securing the Washington Monument from terrorism has turned out to be a surprisingly difficult job. The concrete fence around the building protects it from attacking vehicles, but there’s no visually appealing way to house the airport-level security mechanisms the National Park Service has decided are a must for visitors. It is considering several options, but I think we should close the monument entirely. Let it stand, empty and inaccessible, as a monument to our fears.
An empty Washington Monument would serve as a constant reminder to those on Capitol Hill that they are afraid of the terrorists and what they could do. They’re afraid that by speaking honestly about the impossibility of attaining absolute security or the inevitability of terrorism — or that some American ideals are worth maintaining even in the face of adversity — they will be branded as “soft on terror.” And they’re afraid that Americans would vote them out of office if another attack occurred. Perhaps they’re right, but what has happened to leaders who aren’t afraid? What has happened to “the only thing we have to fear is fear itself”?
An empty Washington Monument would symbolize our lawmakers’ inability to take that kind of stand — and their inability to truly lead.
Some of them call terrorism an “existential threat” against our nation. It’s not. Even the events of 9/11, as horrific as they were, didn’t make an existential dent in our nation. Automobile-related fatalities — at 42,000 per year, more deaths each month, on average, than 9/11 — aren’t, either. It’s our reaction to terrorism that threatens our nation, not terrorism itself. The empty monument would symbolize the empty rhetoric of those leaders who preach fear and then use that fear for their own political ends.
Go read the whole thing.
Must SEE.
A Woman, A Gun, and A Noodle Shop is Chinese director Zhang (“Hero”, “House of Flying Daggers”) Yimou’s remake of Blood Simple.
Holy Christ, that’s a HARP. And a … bagpipes? WHAT THE HELL I DONT EVEN
To say nothing of the Dracula collar. From the dept. of deeply unnecessary covers: Where Is Your God Now, Andrew Eldrich?
This is why we need Net Neutrality
Comcast has started charging Level 3 — and therefore Netflix — additional money to reach its subscribers, since Netflix competes with Comcast for viewership.
Don’t mince words, Papa.
In this letter from Hemingway to Archibald MacLeish, he has a little to say about Ezra Pound:
Thanks for sending the stats of Ezra’s rantings. He is obviously crazy. I think you might prove he was crazy as far back as the latter Cantos. He deserves punishment and disgrace but what he really deserves most is ridicule. He should not be hanged and he should not be made a martyr of. He has a long history of generosity and unselfish aid to other artists and he is one of the greatest living poets. It is impossible to believe that anyone in his right mind could utter the vile, absolutely idiotic drivel he has broadcast. His friends who knew him and who watched the warpeing and twisting and decay of his mind and his judgement should defend him and explain him on that basis. It will be a completely unpopular but an absolutely necessary thing to do. I have had no correspondence with him for ten years and the last time I saw him was in 1933 when Joyce asked me to come to make it easier haveing Ezra at his house.
More Q&A on the Nudie Scanners
Popular Mechanics interviews Bruce Schneier. Madcap hilarity ensues.
To Some Arrant Knaves I Know, and Those That Came After
Ten years is a long time.
If that old saw is true about how our whole bodies regenerate every 7 years, then a decade ago we were all literally different people. Same or not, we certainly lived in a different world ten years ago; for one thing, when I flew back then, I took a Swiss Army Knife on board with me, and everyone treated airport security drones with the respect they deserved and not as some crucial imaginary barrier between us and Mooslim hordes.
There’s more than that, though, obviously. While the greater Heathen cast carries many long-term members who date to the early nineties or even before, we have many tribemembers today that we hadn’t even met in November of 2000. Even better, more than a few proto-heathen didn’t even exist back then. One Heathen in particular was known to us, but it didn’t become clear until a year later how important she’d turn out to be. ;)
Today is the tenth anniversary of Miscellaneous Heathen as a weblog. For some time prior to 27 November 2000, I maintained a mailing list for amusing items collectively called “Some Arrant Knaves I Know,” a reference to Hamlet (III.1) appropriately drawn from my English major background. The title of the weblog itself was taken from a photo (by, I believe, cartoonist Tom Tomorrow) of a clearly insane protester at a location now lost to memory; said protestor’s sign, taller than the holder, listed a catalog of hellbound miscreants and concluded with our eponymous phrase.
I happily join that category, today more than ever, and thank you all for reading my yammerings for ten whole years. Here’s to ten more.
I just want to tell you both good luck. We’re all counting on you.
Leslie Nielsen, dead at 84.
Hate Group Upset That Someone Noticed They’re A Hate Group
Cry me a river, Family Research Council douchebags.
A bird in a bird in a bird in a bird in a bird in a pig.
For those who think a Turducken is too easy: Suck it, PETA.
Small Comfort, but still nice
Perennial pretender Boise State lost to underdog and clear powerhouse Nevada yesterday, ending the Broncos’ perfect season and relegating them to another halfass bowl.
(For the somewhat rare Football-Heathens expecting commentary on the Iron Bowl today: I have nothing nice to say, and will therefore say nothing at all about the unremitting FAILBOMB that was Alabama’s play after midway through the second quarter. You do have to score after the first period to win, boys, and turnovers don’t help against a team like Auburn.)
(Also, memo to Aggie Nation: I’m not that sure that dancing around to celebrate wins over Baylor and a Longhorn squad that’s notching a losing season put you in the best possible light.)
The Family Research Council is a hate group
The Southern Poverty Law Center now considers the influential right-wing lobbying group a hate group because of its stance on homosexuality.
They’re right.
DeLay Faces Up To Life In Prison
The ex-Majority leader has been convicted on a money laundering charge that carries a maximum penalty of life in prison.
What an actual security expert thinks of the TSA
Bruce Schneier is a renowned security professional; his editorial in the Times on the TSA begins thusly:
A short history of airport security: We screen for guns and bombs, so the terrorists use box cutters. We confiscate box cutters and corkscrews, so they put explosives in their sneakers. We screen footwear, so they try to use liquids. We confiscate liquids, so they put PETN bombs in their underwear. We roll out full-body scanners, even though they wouldn’t have caught the Underwear Bomber, so they put a bomb in a printer cartridge. We ban printer cartridges over 16 ounces — the level of magical thinking here is amazing — and they’re going to do something else.
This is a stupid game, and we should stop playing it.
It’s not even a fair game. It’s not that the terrorist picks an attack and we pick a defense, and we see who wins. It’s that we pick a defense, and then the terrorists look at our defense and pick an attack designed to get around it. Our security measures only work if we happen to guess the plot correctly. If we get it wrong, we’ve wasted our money. This isn’t security; it’s security theater.
Fed Up With The Stupid
A Talking Points Memo reader writes in with his thoughts on the TSA checkpoints. A taste:
I’m a lawyer. I go through security checkpoints all the time. Went through one at the local criminal courthouse this morning. They x-rayed my stuff, sent me through a metal detector, and then had me come back through it to pick up my stuff when they were done looking at it on the monitor. Done. 30 seconds. The lawyer’s line at the courthouse is ever-so-slightly less rigid than the general public line (if it’s obviously my belt buckle setting off the detector, they’ve never made me take it off; they’ve learned to accept that lawyers often keep calendars on their smartphones so we don’t have to check them before entering the building, though they check to make sure the ringer is off), but even the general public line is pretty much what we were used to pre-9/11. X ray machine. Metal detector. Wand if they can’t quickly figure out what’s setting off the detector. Pat downs only if you’re still setting off the detector and nothing’s visible. 45 seconds or a minute, tops. And you know, a rather substantial percentage of the people who go through the line to get into a criminal courthouse are people out on bail, some of whom are actual dangerous criminals. And a lot of the others are people who are witnesses to crimes whose presence is not exactly welcomed by the criminal element. Honestly, this new TSA genital-feeling stuff goes further than I’ve ever had to go through to even go into a prison. They cavity search prisoners for drugs and weapons, of course, but lawyers and other visitors? Not in my experience. Not in this northeastern state. Not unless they’re pretty damn sure you’re carrying contraband. And we’ve had, what, 3 attempted bombing incidents post-9/11? Out of how many scheduled flights? I just did the math. Over 150 million worldwide. That’s one attempt per 50 million flights.
Go read the whole thing.
Has the TSA ever caught a terrorist?
Well, turns out, they won’t say, as it’s a state secret — which, to us, means “no.”
Shut up. You know you want the Boba Fett mouse.
Someone’s made tiny fluffy mouse versions of Star Wars characters.
The Hate Is Now Clearer
Pretty Hate Machine has been re-released in remastered form. Proceed accordingly.
I have had it with these motherfucking snakes in my motherfucking garage.
Two points about this video:
- I will no longer complain about roaches; and
- What part of “kill it with fire” does this guy not understand?
And now, for Mrs Heathen:
30 Awesome Disaster Movie Money Shots, including the one from Knowing that basically closes the book on disaster movie casualty inflation.
Yet Another Reason to Love Houston
The following tweet from our Democratic mayor:
Today I visited our SWAT facility. Great layout. Spent my lunch with my pistols on the academy shooting range.-a
Said mayor is also of note for being the first (out) gay mayor of a US city over a million residents. That’s our Houston: confounding stereotypes every chance we get.
Your Daily Naturalist Link
The NYT on the New Zealand tuatara:
[T]he animal that may well be New Zealand’s most bizarrely instructive species at first glance looks surprisingly humdrum: the tuatara. A reptile about 16 inches long with bumpy, khaki-colored skin and a lizardly profile, the tuatara could easily be mistaken for an iguana. Appearances in this case are wildly deceptive. The tuatara — whose name comes from the Maori language and means “peaks on the back” — is not an iguana, is not a lizard, is not like any other reptile alive today.
In fact, as a series of recent studies suggest, it is not like any other vertebrate alive today. The tuatara, scientists have learned, is in some ways a so-called living fossil, its basic skeletal layout and skull shape almost identical to that of tuatara fossils dating back hundreds of millions of years, to before the rise of the dinosaurs. Certain tuatara organs and traits also display the hallmarks of being, if not quite primitive, at least closer to evolutionary baseline than comparable structures in other animals.
The article goes on to state that the tuatara can live in excess of 100 years. More at Wikipedia.
And now it’s time for TEASE THE ENGLISH
Hey, don’t you want to watch the Harry Potter cast try to affect an American accent?
Oh, Hollywood. Do you ever STOP sucking?
They’re really remaking Buffy without Joss.
IO9 has his reaction, which is characteristically funny and classy while also bringing the snark.
WB’s release says some ridiculous things, like
“There is an active fan base eagerly awaiting this character’s return to the big screen. We’re thrilled to team up with Doug and Roy on a re-imagining of Buffy and the world she inhabits. Details of the film are being kept under wraps, but I can say while this is not your high school Buffy, she’ll be just as witty, tough, and sexy as we all remember her to be.”
Uh, no. What made her witty and fun was Whedon and his team, not the simple idea of a teen vampire hunter. Compare and contrast the original film (which Whedon wrote, but was not otherwise involved in) and the hit TV show (which was Whedon’s through and through); it’s obvious what made the television version a hit and the movie a “cult fave” at best, and it’s equally obvious that there’s no chance a Whedon-free reboot will be anywhere nearly as charming. It’s a transparent cash-in move that could very well fall flat on its face, given how loyal the Buffy fan base is to Whedon.
TSA Agents Absolutely Hate The New Pat Downs, and find them demoralizing.
You’ll believe what they tell you to believe
Interesting bit over at Washington Monthly about recent dramatic shifts in Republican positions — and how they likely came about:
A few years ago, Republican voters, by and large, believed what the mainstream believed when it came to climate science. Then their party, its candidates, and its media outlets told these voters to stop believing the facts — and rank-and-file Republicans did as they were told. In effect, partisans on the right outsourced their evaluation of evidence to their party, and Republicans decided climate science is no longer worthy of support.
This happens more than it should. If I had to guess, if you asked regular ol’ Republican voters several years ago whether the United States should engage in torture, they probably would have said no. But then their party told them to change their mind, and they did. If you asked these GOP voters whether a health care mandate, in line with Republican proposals, was a reasonable policy, they probably would have said yes. But then their party told them to change their mind, and they did.
Allie Brosh Remains Delightful
Go, now, and enjoy Dogs Don’t Understand Basic Concepts Like Moving.
Mo Mo Mo Keating
We Heathen have informed you before that Zoe Keating is someone you need to know about.
This is just more evidence:
Also via WookieNix.
Absolutely, Positively, the best Goddamn headline EVAR
Via the pseudowookie known only as Nix:

Story here, but, seriously, how could this be made better by mere reading?
“Artfully Concealed Objects”
TSA weasel John Pistole notes that the new pornoscanners are supposed to turn up artfully concealed objects not previously discovered, and which the TSA’s own testing showed were easy to get on planes. I assume he means things like small knives or razorblades too small to trigger the metal detector.
Here’s the thing: I’m sure hundreds or thousands of such objects, if not more, make it onto planes every day. And I’m equally sure it doesn’t make a damn bit of difference to my safety. It’s impossible to hijack an airliner today. That game is over for the bad guys. The 9/11 trick didn’t even work all day on 9/11, and now it’s completely impossible — you can’t get to the cockpit. And the TSA, bless their empty little heads, hasn’t even managed to stop the attempts at airborne violence that have been attempted since then — it was passengers who caught Richard Reid, lest you forget. And the London plot that gave us the bullshit baggie rule was broken up by law enforcement, and probably wouldn’t have worked anyway.
But the TSA has been busily confiscating scissors and screwdrivers and razorblades and pocketknives for 9 years, and they’ve mistaken that for their mission. NONE of the objects they’ve taken were part of terrorist plots. You can’t hijack a plane with a Leatherman, and the TSA knows this; the confiscation is just a giant con on the American people. Taking away pocketknives is busywork. It makes us LESS safe, because it obligates resources that could be better spent elsewhere.
And now they’re going to do MORE of it, with their bullshit scanners pushed on them by lobbyists and completely unlikely to enhance our safety. And they’ll keep doing this until we the people — for whom every bellycrawling TSA jackass works — insist, loudly and repeatedly, that they stop. Write your congresspeople. Yell at your airlines. Opt out of this pornoscanners, and be unpleasant when they touch your junk.